Thought field therapy tapping
Thought field therapy tapping

  • Work on what we can control and how we can contribute to making a difference.
  • We can start looking at what we can do to maintain and improve our health.
  • Take responsibility for our own well-being.
  • Work on an attitude of gratitude for what we do have and can appreciate.
  • Take time to get centered and take some slow deep breaths.
  • Jenny Edwards, TFT-VT offers Thought Field Therapy trainings in Denver and other.
  • Impaired immunity: When we’re in panic mode, our energetic resources are channeled into fight or flight and not into healing and repairing our cells and tissues, and keeping us well. Would you like to learn the original tapping method developed by Dr.
  • Blaming others keeps us in the victim powerless position that fuels more anxiety and despair.
  • Compounding anger and anxiety: Besides the virus, the anger and anxiety can also be contagious and infect those with whom we’re interacting with.
  • When we don’t have a constructive channel for this energy, problems can develop for us physically and mentally. The Thought Field Therapy directory provides a guide to all of the Callahan Techniques certified practitioners of TFT around the world.

    #Thought field therapy tapping code

  • Anger, frustration, rage: Hearing and talking about what’s going on without solution can lead to feeling anger, frustration and rage. Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Tapping Provides the Code to Nature’s Healing System Celebrating Over 30 Years of Success in Tapping Therapy.
  • Thought Field Therapy uses nature’s therapeutic system to balance the bodies energy system promoting natural healing and improved mental health.
  • Irritability, fatigue and depression: Dealing with the resulting stress from Covid can readily lead into irritability, fatigue and depression. TFT tapping is a brief, effective psychotherapy for the rapid and natural healing of negative emotions and psychological problems.
  • Impaired mood regulation: Prolonged high anxiety can deplete the neurochemicals that help regulate mood, and this can affect our memory and functioning.
  • We’re grateful for Thought Field Therapy and would like to share a TFT sequence that has been helpful for dealing with overwhelm, anger/frustration, panic/anxiety, worry, and fatigue/depression. Our best defense against falling ill or having more severe symptoms is to do what we can to keep our bodies and minds calm and healthy. Even generally very calm individuals with no prior history of anxiety or panic attacks are experiencing symptoms. The Coronavirus pandemic has created panic of epic proportions.

    Thought field therapy tapping